Prevention Tools for Healthy Organizations
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(1) Prevention Style Inventory (FREE)
(2) Prevention Style Lesson: Part 1 (FREE)
(3) Prevention Style Lesson: Part 2 (FREE)
(4) Self-Efficacy Survey (FREE)
(5) Upgrade Your Role

Your Role

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. 

                                                                       -Thomas Alva Edison
PrevTools™ enhances your role as a health advocate, change agent, or empowered servant for a positive and healthy workplace. Two free tools and a few lessons heighten your belief in yourself: You can do this!
The Prevention Style Inventory™ improves your relationship to time (planning, schedules, etc.). Especially when used with coaching, it deeply empowers you to address the most significant barrier to effective wellness programs: the lack of time and the failure to understand that such programs take time to work. View the lessons (Parts 1 and 2) to learn a lot more.

Prevention Self-Efficacy is a quick survey to gauge your confidence in moving forward in your role.  Set a reminder to take it again in a few weeks. You will astound yourself!

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